Washington State Paralegal Association

WSPA Recurring Monthly Events 

Each month WSPA brings you at least two member events to allow you to "CONNECT" with other paralegal professionals.

WSPA Connect, a lunch time opportunity for meeting with other professionals, generally held 2nd Wednesday

of each month from 12 to 1 pm.

WSPA Member and Board Meeting -  Any active members are encouraged to come to the meeting to see what the Board does and to ask any questions of the Board.  Held the third Wednesday of each month, starting at 6:30 pm. 


WSPA is pleased to partner with Lorman Education for CLE offers. Come back for upcoming events with

LORMAN Education Services

Please check back regularly for updates. 

Please visit http://www.lormaneducation.com/affiliate/ for a complete listing of courses applicable to your organization. You can also download these courses to list on your site, or create email templates to notify your members or subscribers.

For questions, or for more information, please contact your account manager Amanda Grambsch atagrambsch@lorman.com or 800-678-3940.

Upcoming Events & CLEs

    • 11/15/2023
    • 10/16/2024
    • 12 sessions
    • Zoom

    The WSPA General Membership and Board Meeting is a monthly meeting comprised of the elected Officers and Directors of the Washington State Paralegal Association, and the WSPA membership. We meet monthly to discuss current issues, programs, and goals related to the association, its membership, and paralegal profession in Washington state. 

    All members of the Washington State Paralegal Association are welcome to attend and meet with the current Officers and Directors.

    Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month, starting at 6:30pm. 

    Meetings are currently held virtually via Zoom and we encourage members across the state to attend.

    Please email or message us for Zoom ID and code.

    • 02/14/2024
    • 12/11/2024
    • 11 sessions
    • Zoom Meeting

    Connect with WSPA members and other paralegals from across the state and even the nation!

    Join our next WSPA Connect meeting every 2nd Wednesday from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm via Zoom.  

    Feel free to drop in anytime during the hour.  

    Topic: WSPA Connect

    Time: 2nd Wednesdays 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 881 9345 6997

    Passcode: 506819

    We look forward to connecting with you!

    • 07/29/2024
    • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/Paralegal-s-Guide-to-Trademark-Searches-and-Applications/Video-Webinar/98882ER_4103342?st=WA

    Program Description

    Trademark Applications, Registration, and Post-Registration Matters

    This course is designed to provide paralegals with foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary to conduct effective trademark searches and assist in the trademark application process. Walk through the trademark application process, including the preparation and filing of trademark applications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Learn to confidently assist attorneys in handling trademark matters - register today!

    • Develop the skills to conduct thorough trademark searches using online databases.
    • Use search strategies to identify potential conflicts and risks, enabling proactive risk management.
    • Evaluate search results and provide actionable insights to guide decision-making in trademark matters.
    • Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes in trademark applications, enhancing the success rate of filings.
    • Learn what must be done to protect registered trademarks.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level course provides a practical overview of trademark law. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Introduction to Trademark Law: Key Concepts and Governing Law
    2. Role of Paralegals in Trademark Matters
    3. Trademark Searches: Goals, Databases, and Tactics
    4. Analyzing Search Results and Making Recommendations to Attorneys
    5. Trademark Application Process and Forms
    6. Filing and Prosecution
    7. Post-Registration Matters: Renewals, Maintenance Filings, Monitoring, Enforcement
    • 07/30/2024
    • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/Paralegals-Guide-to-Coordinating-Trial-Logistics/Video-Webinar/98879ER_4110408?st=WA

    Program Description

    Gain Examples and Necessary Pre-Trial Prep Tips to Help Your Attorney and Clients Be Successful at Trial

    Are you helping your attorney prepare for a trial? Seem overwhelmed with all the tasks? Your preparation is essential in setting up a smooth trial process. This course will lay out important tasks that must be completed in preparation for an upcoming trial. Receive tips and sample documents to help organize all necessary information needed for a successful trial. Enroll today!

    • Explore tips and samples on how to organize case documents.
    • Get a checklist of tasks to complete while preparing for a trial.
    • Walk through a systematic approach on how to successfully prepare for trial.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level course is designed for experienced paralegals who need to build and/or refresh their skills for trial preparation. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Coordinating With the Legal Team
    2. Document Management: Exhibits, Pleadings, Discoveries, & Pre-Trial Motions (With Samples)
    3. Witness Coordination & Preparation
    4. Trial Preparation: Necessary Prep Tips (With Checklist)
    5. Courtroom Set-up: Logistics & Technology
    6. Trial Day Logistics
    • 07/31/2024
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/98836


    Practical Tips and Sample Forms for Meticulous Lien Management

    Overlooking or neglecting liens can lead to severe consequences for the client and your attorney. This focused, full-day guide will show you how to stay organized and in control of liens from identification to distribution of settlement funds so you can mitigate pitfalls and contribute to successful case resolutions. Implement best practices for efficient lien tracking and resolution - register today!

    • Learn how to effectively identify and gauge the validity and priority of liens early in the case.
    • Discover practical tips for tracking liens as the case progresses.
    • Get real-world insights for negotiating reductions and payment plans with healthcare providers.
    • Determine the best approaches to dealing with health and auto insurance liens.
    • Navigate the process of resolving Medicare conditional payments.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Identifying All Potential Liens and Notifying Lienholders
    2. Creating a Comprehensive Lien Log: Tracking Liens, Resolutions, Dates, and Deadlines
    3. Negotiating Reductions With Healthcare Providers
    4. Reducing and Resolving Insurance Company Liens
    5. Resolving Medicare and Medicaid Liens
    6. Tips for Managing Workers' Comp and Other Government Liens
    7. Drafting Release Agreements and Distributing Funds
    8. Paralegal Ethics
    • 08/01/2024
    • 1:00 AM - 1:15 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/Criminal-Defense-A-Checklist-Guide-for-Paralegals/Video-Webinar/98924ER_4084273?st=WA

    Program Description

    Be Thorough and Be Confident With the Help of Checklists

    Equip yourself with the essential skills and tools to excel in criminal defense! This guide comes replete with checklists to help you leave no stone unturned and no task unfinished from initial investigation all the way to trial preparation. Effectively support your attorney so they can effectively defend clients facing criminal charges - register today!

    • Use checklists to avoid missing out on any critical evidence that could support the case.
    • Review the top mistakes paralegals and attorneys make when preparing motions, plea agreements, and other documents.
    • Receive checklists to help you prepare for hearings at different stages of the case.
    • Get practical checklists, tips, and strategies when preparing for criminal trials.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level course will teach attendees how to effectively handle the paralegal duties associated with the field of criminal defense. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Investigation Checklists and Reviewing Discovery Materials Provided by the Prosecution
    2. Top Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing Motions, Briefs, Subpoenas, and Other Documents
    3. Hearing Preparation Checklists
    4. Criminal Trial Preparation Checklists and Pointers
    • 08/06/2024
    • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/98962


    Enhance Your Skills

    The independent medical examination (IME) can make or break a workers' compensation case. Are you confident in your ability to navigate the IME process? In this program, our expert faculty provide you with guidance for understanding when an IME is necessary, tips for what needs to be included in an IME request, and best practices for reviewing IME reports. Elevate your skills - register today!

    • Discuss the paralegal's role in coordinating IMEs.
    • Discover tips and tricks for preparing the cover letter for the doctor.
    • Analyze best practices for reviewing the IME report.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Is an IME Needed?
    2. The Paralegal's Role in Organizing and Scheduling IMEs
    3. Preparing the Cover Letter for the Doctor
    4. IME Requests: What to Include
    5. What to Send to the Doctor
    6. Reviewing the IME Report: Legal Best Practices
    • 08/07/2024
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/Discovery-in-Divorce-Top-Pain-Points-for-Paralegals/Video-Webinar/98929ER_4084322?st=WA

    Program Description

    Prevent Problems and Tackle Complex Challenges

    Much of divorce discovery lies on your shoulders, and there's always room to improve your approaches! This practical beyond-the-basics guide identifies key pain points at every stage of divorce discovery process and offers helpful guidance in improving outcomes, minimizing error, and saving time. Take your skills to the next level - register today!

    • Recognize and counter common dirty tricks attorneys and clients try in divorce discovery.
    • Tackle tough financial disclosure issues with tips from the pros.
    • Come away with sample drafts of discovery documents from requests through deficiency letters.
    • Improve collaboration with experts: from qualifying subject matter experts to organizing obtained testimony.
    • Troubleshoot common document management problems and see how others have tackled similar issues.

    Who Should Attend

    This advanced level course will teach attendees how to effectively troubleshoot the discovery process in divorce. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Dirty Tricks Opponents Use in Divorce Discovery
    2. Tailoring Model Discovery Requests and Motions to the Case (With Samples)
    3. Discovery Document Management and Organization: Intended Use vs. Real-Life Challenges
    4. Financial Documents: Top Mistakes and Omissions
    5. Top Roadblocks in Coordinating Depositions
    6. Coordinating With Experts
    7. Proper Objections and Responses in Discovery (With Samples)
    8. Social Media, Email, and Phone Data Discovery Hurdles
    9. Legal Ethics in Divorce Discovery
    • 08/14/2024
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/Paralegals-Guide-to-Managing-Construction-Contracts-Files-Schedules-Deadlines-and-More/Video-Webinar/98923ER_4098104?st=WA

    Program Description

    Your Blueprint to Keeping Construction Projects and Litigation Files Organized

    Learn the art of construction project and case management! Our knowledgeable faculty will show you how to keep command over contracts, deadlines, and other aspects of construction project management. They will also show you how to keep cases on track and learn new ways to streamline processes and procedures. Master essential skills - register today!

    • Develop construction document control measures to safeguard against compliance issues and costly disputes.
    • Build your understanding of construction project schedules and learn how to gauge project progress.
    • Get tips for tracking payment schedules and processing lien notices.
    • Learn best practices for organizing litigation files.
    • Uncover effective ways to prove your value during trial preparation and support.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level course will show attendees how to keep construction projects and cases organized and on track. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Construction Contract, Documentation, and Records Management Best Practices
    2. Monitoring Construction Schedules and Deadlines
    3. Handling Scope Changes, Scope Creep, Schedule Delays, and Extensions
    4. Construction Payment Tracking, Lien Notices, and Disputes
    5. Managing Construction Litigation Files, Document Production, and Discovery
    6. Trial Preparation and Support Insights
    7. Ethics for Construction Paralegals
    • 08/20/2024
    • 11:00 AM - 2:15 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/Medicaid-Planning-Tools-for-Paralegals-With-Key-Documents-Checklists-and-Resources/Video-Webinar/98931ER_4100840?st=WA

    Program Description

    Help Aging Clients Obtain Much-Needed Care

    Paralegals play a critical role in securing much-needed nursing home coverage under Medicaid. From client intake and assets inventory, through Medicaid application, appeals, and hearing prep, your diligence is key to the success of the claim. This practical legal course will give you the resources, sample language, and checklists to improve every step of the process. Prove your value - register today!

    • Improve client intake and accuracy of the estate inventory.
    • Review current Medicaid eligibility criteria and clarify which assets are excluded.
    • Come away with sample checklists for every step of the application and appeals process.
    • Draft better Medicaid briefs with guidance from experienced faculty.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level course will teach attendees how to handle Medicaid planning, application, and appeals tasks. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Medicaid Eligibility Update, Client Intake, and File Organization
    2. Pre-Placement Asset Eligibility Planning and Implementation (With a Sample Asset Inventory and Resources List)
    3. Medicaid Nursing Home Coverage Application (With a Step-by-Step Checklist)
    4. Medicaid Appeal Process and Preparing for the Fair Hearing (With a Sample Brief)
    5. Post-Placement Medicaid Eligibility Tools
    • 08/21/2024
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/Advanced-Motor-Vehicle-Accident-Guide-for-Paralegals/Video-Webinar/98899ER_4098071?st=WA

    Program Description

    Take Your Skills to the Next Level

    Truck accidents, UM/UIM claims, complex liens - auto injury cases can get challenging fast. Do you have the refined knowledge and skills required to help your attorney tackle them head on? This advanced auto injury program will equip you to troubleshoot everyday problems, get better results from insurance companies and lien holders, and navigate high-stakes cases. Build your value to the firm - register today!

    • Learn how to get social media, smartphone, smartwatch, black box, and other ESI into your attorney's hands.
    • Get time-saving tips for organizing, reviewing, and summarizing medical records.
    • Uncover effective ways to refine demand letters and get better offers from adjusters.
    • Discover the latest best practices for dealing with Medicare liens and set asides.
    • Hear trial preparation tips and tricks to help your attorney be better equipped for the courtroom.

    Who Should Attend

    This advanced level course provides creative insights for handling auto injury cases. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Preserving and Collecting Social Media, Smartphone Evidence, and Black Box Data
    2. Advanced Medical Record Issues and Answers
    3. Creative Tips for Writing Stronger Demands
    4. Paralegals' Guide to UM/UIM Claims and Litigation
    5. Medicare, Medicaid, and ERISA Liens
    6. Trial Preparation Tips and Techniques: Fine Tuning Exhibits, Trial Notebooks, and More
    7. Paralegal Ethics
    • 08/22/2024
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/98955


    Legal Task Management Solutions You Need to Know

    Streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity! In this program, our distinguished faculty delve into the importance of task tracking for paralegals. Identify the dos and don'ts of case management, develop strategies for categorizing files, and hear tips and tricks for communicating effectively with the rest of the legal team. Save yourself headaches - register today!

    • Demonstrate best practices for prioritizing tasks.
    • Uncover practical guidance for categorizing files.
    • Discover innovative task-tracking tools.

    *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Best Practices in Organization and Task Prioritization
    2. Case Management Made Simple
    3. Practical Guidance for Categorizing and Maintaining Files
    4. Mastering the Calendar
    5. Tips and Tricks for Using Technology for Task Tracking and Management (Including AI-Assisted Tools)
    6. Useful Tips for Communicating and Collaborating With the Legal Team
    • 08/23/2024
    • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/A-Corporate-Paralegal-s-Guide-to-Due-Diligence/Video-Webinar/98930ER_4103324?st=WA

    Program Description

    Get Tools for Spotting Red Flags and Propelling Good Deals Forward

    Due diligence is what allows each party to go into the deal with a clear view of what's on the table, fully prepared for all the strengths and weaknesses of the businesses involved. This course empowers corporate paralegals to be key players in ensuring successful business transactions by powering up their due diligence skills. Learn to navigate legal, financial, and operational complexities. Come away with sample information request documents, tips for deeper analysis of the findings, and skills to summarize and communicate crucial information more effectively. Recognize red flags and contribute insightful findings. This practical training equips you to be a vital asset, protecting your company's interests and driving deals forward. Register today!

    • Understand the purpose and scope of due diligence in business transactions.
    • Explore key areas of due diligence investigation, including financial, legal, regulatory, and operational aspects.
    • Develop skills for effectively requesting, reviewing, and analyzing due diligence information.
    • Learn how to collaborate with attorneys and other professionals to ensure a comprehensive due diligence process.
    • Spot potential red flags and deal breakers that may arise during due diligence.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level course is designed to give attendees the knowledge they need to effectively handle corporate paralegal responsibilities. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Due Diligence Process Overview and Paralegal's Role (With a Sample Due Diligence Checklist)
    2. Developing Effective Due Diligence Requests (With Sample Language)
    3. Use of Online Resources and Databases for Research
    4. Financial Due Diligence
    5. Legal Due Diligence
    6. Operational Due Diligence
    7. Organizing and Summarizing Your Findings (With Sample Language)
    8. Legal Ethics in Corporate Transactions
    • 08/26/2024
    • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/98954


    Tips for Enhancing Legal Productivity With OneNote

    Microsoft OneNote provides paralegals with the capability to enhance their productivity, organize case information effectively, and collaborate with other members of the legal team. Are you ready to streamline your workflow? Follow along as faculty show you how to use Microsoft OneNote to your advantage. Whether you're new to OneNote or you just need a quick refresher, you don't want to miss this program. Register today!

    • Receive tips and tricks for creating notebooks.
    • Examine OneNote's notetaking features and find out how you can use them to capture essential information in numerous formats.
    • Understand how you can use OneNote to collaborate with your attorney, legal assistants, and beyond.

    *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Primer on Key Functionalities and Features
    2. Practical Tips for Creating Notebooks, Sections, and Pages Customized for Paralegal Tasks
    3. Research and Notetaking Techniques
    4. Using OneNote for Case Management
    5. Creating and Using Templates: Essential Guidelines
    6. Exploring Other Features: Tags, Drawing Tools, Audio Notes, etc.
    7. How to Link OneNote to Outlook
    8. Sharing and Collaboration
    • 08/27/2024
    • 11:00 AM - 1:15 PM
    • WEbcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/The-Paralegal-s-Guide-to-Navigating-AI-Ethical-Challenges/Video-Webinar/98920ER_4110418?st=WA

    Program Description

    AI and Legal Practice: A Paralegal Perspective

    Increased efficiency, enhanced client communication, and task automation are just a few of the benefits of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the law firm. This practical program provides you with best practices for ethically navigating AI in paralegal work. Stay ahead of the curve - register today!

    • Discover best practices for protecting confidentiality when using AI in legal practice.
    • Examine the ethical risks of bias in AI.
    • Prevent ethical issues regarding technology competence, client communications, and more.

    *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level program is designed to provide attendees with best practices for handling ethical challenges presented by AI. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Overview: How ChatGPT and Other Forms of AI Work
    2. Safeguarding Confidentiality: Challenges Created By AI
    3. Diversity, Inclusion, and Bias: Ethical Issues and Answers
    4. Paralegal Use of Generative AI: Top Ethical Considerations
    • 08/29/2024
    • 12:00 PM - 3:15 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe.nbi-sems.com/ProductDetails/AI-Powered-Litigation-Case-Management-Guide-for-Paralegals/Video-Webinar/98901ER_4099270?st=WA

    Program Description

    Practical How-tos and Sample Prompts for Document Management, Discovery, and More

    Excel in litigation case management by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence! This legal AI guide will show you how to take advantage of new opportunities to enhance efficiency and streamline processes from client intake to trial prep. Let AI do more of the work so you can free up more time to work on other priorities - register today!

    • Discover how to use AI to provide responsive client service so you can prioritize the most pressing tasks.
    • Save time with AI-powered file management and case organization tools and tips.
    • Be wary of the pitfalls of using AI for legal research and writing.
    • Find out how to optimize discovery requests and answers with AI.
    • Use AI to make trial preparation less hectic and more efficient and effective.

    *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.

    Who Should Attend

    This intermediate level program is designed to provide attendees with pointers for using AI for litigation case management. Those who should attend include:

    • Paralegals
    • Legal Technicians
    • Legal Assistants
    • Legal Support Staff

    Course Content

    1. Using AI for Client Intake, Communication, and Case Assessment
    2. AI-Enhanced File Management and Case Organization
    3. Legal Research and Writing With ChatGPT and Other AI: The Do's and Don'ts
    4. AI-Powered Discovery - With Sample Prompts
    5. Creative Ways to Use AI in Trial Preparation
    • 09/04/2024
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/99005


    Develop Actionable Strategies for Your Next Legal Investigation

    How confident are you in your abilities to locate people and gather critical background information? Are you up to speed on the latest tips and tricks for organizing investigation results? What are the dos and don'ts of using technology in an investigation? In this paralegal-focused program, our expert faculty unveil real-world tips for conducting effective investigations. Don't miss this opportunity to hone your skills - register today!

    • Find out the top mistakes paralegals make when conducting interviews.
    • Master the art of requesting public records.
    • Uncover practical tips and tricks for organizing investigation results.
    • Develop strategies for using technology to your advantage during legal investigations.
    • Hear expert insights into conducting surveillance.

    *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Challenges in Gathering Background Information and Locating People
    2. 10 Worst Mistakes Paralegals Make With Interviews
    3. The Art of Requesting Public Records
    4. Organizing Investigation Results - Cutting-Edge Techniques
    5. Mastering the Bluebook
    6. Strategic Use of Technology in Legal Investigations
    7. Advanced Strategies for Conducting Effective Surveillance
    8. The Paralegal’s Guide to Avoiding Ethical Issues
    • 09/10/2024
    • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/99004


    Skills Enhancement for Family Law Paralegals

    Whether you're new to family law, or you're just looking to freshen up your knowledge, this course is for you! Join our veteran faculty as they walk you through the nuts and bolts of making the most out of the discovery process, calculating child support, and much more. Build your knowledge - register today!

    • Get a firm grasp on divorce procedures.
    • Formulate strategies for conducting discovery.
    • Discover the dos and don'ts of property division and spousal support.
    • Examine best practices for preparing QDROs.
    • Develop strategies for handling common child custody issues.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Divorce Procedures and Case Management Tactics
    2. Discovery Do's and Don'ts for Paralegals
    3. Understanding Spousal Support and Property Division
    4. Practical Guide to QDROs
    5. Insights on Child Custody, Support, and Visitation
    6. Best Practices for Creating and Updating Premarital and Marital Agreements
    7. Paralegal Ethics
    • 09/11/2024
    • 11:00 AM - 2:15 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/99009


    Unlock Greater Efficiency and Precision With the Power of Artificial Intelligence

    Are you still doing things the hard way? Jump into the future! This program will show you how to use the transformative power of ChatGPT and other generative AI to craft the litigation documents you work with every day. Discover creative uses of AI, avoid the pitfalls, and enhance your productivity - register today!

    • Get practical tips for integrating AI tools into your workflow while managing confidentiality concerns.
    • Learn how to leverage AI in the creation of pleadings, motions, and briefs.
    • Discover how to craft tailored discovery requests and responses using AI.
    • Save time and hassle in trial preparation: learn how to use AI to generate pretrial and trial documents.

    *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Quick Insights for Using Legal AI in Document Drafting
    2. Drafting Pleadings, Motions, and Briefs (With Sample Prompts and Resulting Documents)
    3. Generating Tailored Discovery Requests and Responses (With Sample Prompts and Resulting Documents)
    4. Simplifying Settlement and Trial Preparation (With Sample Prompts and Resulting Documents)
    • 09/13/2024
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/98988


    Advanced Strategies for Handling the Most Common Probate Documents

    You've been handling probate and estate cases for a while, but are you using advanced techniques to efficiently complete each step? Don't let the paperwork bog you down. This course provides detailed insight into the multi-faceted process of probate administration. Our faculty will show you how to handle creditors, beneficiaries, and the IRS with ease. You'll walk through sample forms with experienced practitioners, including testate and intestate forms and a full range of tax returns. Take your probate administration skills to the next level - register today!

    • Learn the information you need at the outset to manage probate efficiently.
    • Find out the documentation you need to appropriately sell or transfer assets.
    • Keep beneficiaries informed about the estate with a K-1 report.
    • Take charge of probate tax issues with improved drafting techniques for Form 706, 709, and more.
    • Make your document management system work for you with streamlined e-filing and more.
    • Get tips for properly terminating fiduciary responsibility over the estate.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Preparing for Estate Administration
    2. Managing the Estate's Assets
    3. Handling Creditors and Other Interested Parties
    4. Ensuring the Payment of Taxes
    5. Document Management Tips for Probate and Estate Filings
    6. Ethics for the Probate Paralegal
    • 09/19/2024
    • 11:00 AM - 2:15 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/99007


    Uncover Effective PowerPoint Presentation Tips and PDF Pointers for Paralegals

    From virtual collaboration and document sharing to presentation preparation, knowing how to use PowerPoint and PDF software offers paralegals a variety of benefits. How does your knowledge of these technologies stack up? This program shows you how to use PDFs and PowerPoint to your advantage in your role as a paralegal. Elevate your skills - register today!

    • Hear tips for designing and formatting your presentations in PowerPoint.
    • Uncover practical guidance for building an effective presentation for legal matters.
    • Identify the dos and don'ts of working with PDFs in the law office.
    • Find out how to automate tasks with PowerPoint and PDFs.

    *Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Design and Formatting in PowerPoint: Essential Guidelines
    2. Practical Techniques for Building an Effective PowerPoint Presentation for Legal Matters
    3. PDF Software: Practical Guidance for Working With PDFs in the Law Firm
    4. Building Workflows and Automating Tasks With PDFs and PowerPoint: Tips for Non-Techy Paralegals
    • 09/24/2024
    • 10:00 AM - 1:15 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/99008


    A Practical Primer Filled With Dos, Don'ts, and Checklists

    Looking to dive into the world of personal injury law? Kickstart your journey here! This course provides essential knowledge and sample forms to help you establish your role and avoid common rookie mistakes. Get the foundational knowledge and tools you need to survive and thrive as a personal injury paralegal - register today!

    • Review best practices for communicating with clients, witnesses, medical providers, and insurance professionals.
    • Use checklists to ensure you round up all the documentation necessary to support the client's claim.
    • Learn from sample documents and get tips for drafting pleadings and motions in personal injury litigation.
    • Understand what's expected of you during trial preparation and find little ways you can impress your attorney.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Communication Do's and Don'ts: From Clients to Insurance Adjusters
    2. Document Collection and Review Checklists
    3. Drafting Pleadings and Motions (With Samples)
    4. Managing Discovery Tasks and Deadlines
    5. Trial Preparation: How You Can Add Value
    • 09/25/2024
    • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/99006


    Stay Organized and in Control From A to Z

    Real estate transactions involve copious amounts of documents, tasks, and deadlines; it's all too easy to let things fall through the cracks. Let checklists be your guide! This program comes replete with checklists to help you stay organized, manage your workload, reduce the risk of mistakes, and avoid complications and delays. Ensure a smooth deal - register today!

    • Comb through purchase agreements, leases, and other contracts for errors and issues.
    • Use checklists to make sure you leave no stone unturned during due diligence.
    • Flush out title and survey problems with handy checklists.
    • Let checklists help you draft complete and accurate deeds and other documents.
    • Dot the i's and cross the t's before, during, and after closing day.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Checklists for Reviewing Purchase Agreements, Leases, and Loan Documents
    2. Due Diligence Checklists
    3. Title and Survey Examination and Clearance Checklists
    4. Compliance Checklists: Property Disclosures, Taxes, and More
    5. Deed and Other Document Preparation and Filing Checklists
    6. Checklists and Tips for Deadline and Communication Tracking, Contract Management
    7. Closing and Post-Closing Checklists
    8. Legal Ethics for Paralegals in Real Estate Transactions
    • 09/26/2024
    • 12:00 PM - 3:15 PM
    • Webcast

    Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/98969


    Examine Medical Bills and Records, Research Injuries, Draft Medical Chronologies, and More With Confidence

    Procuring, organizing, and analyzing medical records are all essential skills that paralegals need to master. Are you at the top of your game? This legal program delves into the different types of records available, offers guidance on how to interpret records, and provides tips on how to review both angles of the case objectively. Take your skills to the next level - register today!

    • Uncover practical guidance for collecting and organizing records.
    • Gain insights on what to look for when going over medical records and bills.
    • Identify legal best practices for making medical expense itemizations.
    • Discover tips for creating medical summaries.
    • Develop strategies for assembling medical notebooks.

    Abbreviated Agenda

    1. Tracking Down and Organizing Medical Records
    2. Analyzing Medical Records and Bills
    3. Drafting Medical Summaries and Chronologies
    4. Preparing Medical Expense Itemizations
    5. Medical Notebook: Compiling and Organizing (With Examples)

Washington State Paralegal Association
1402 Lake Tapps Parkway SE
Ste. F104/PMB133
Auburn, WA. 98092



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