Washington State Paralegal Association

WSPA Lunch and Learn - Lay Witness Interviews: Guide to Maximizing Your Outcome

WSPA Lunch and Learn - Lay Witness Interviews: Guide to Maximizing Your Outcome
09/06/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom

Registered attendees (14)

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Date Name
08/30/2024 Welch, Steven
08/27/2024 Anonymous user
08/27/2024 Schaff, Cynthia
08/27/2024 Ruiz, Ann
08/26/2024 Albert, Melissa
08/21/2024 Bassetti-Sirjesse, Jen
08/21/2024 Aronsen, Marie
08/21/2024 Brown, Kathryn
08/20/2024 Iannini, Anthony
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Washington State Paralegal Association
1402 Lake Tapps Parkway SE
Ste. F104/PMB133
Auburn, WA. 98092



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