Overcome Difficulties With Conflicts of Interest, Client Communication, and More
Are you fully equipped with the knowledge you need to tackle complex client communication issues? Do you have a firm grasp of the attorney-client privilege and your role in upholding it? What are the top social media ethics traps for paralegals? This program shows you how to resolve the toughest ethical problems that paralegals encounter. Register today!
*Any mention of specific products in this program is intended as part of a general overview and does not constitute IPE's endorsement or recommendation of any specific product or provider. This program is not sponsored by any technology or electronics provider.
This advanced level program is designed to provide attendees with tactics for dealing with complex ethical challenges in legal practice. Those who should attend include:
Washington State Paralegal Association 1402 Lake Tapps Parkway SE Ste. F104/PMB133 Auburn, WA. 98092