Washington State Paralegal Association

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  • Advanced Probate Administration for Paralegals

Advanced Probate Administration for Paralegals

  • 09/13/2024
  • 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Webcast

Register: https://ipe-sems.com/products/98988


Advanced Strategies for Handling the Most Common Probate Documents

You've been handling probate and estate cases for a while, but are you using advanced techniques to efficiently complete each step? Don't let the paperwork bog you down. This course provides detailed insight into the multi-faceted process of probate administration. Our faculty will show you how to handle creditors, beneficiaries, and the IRS with ease. You'll walk through sample forms with experienced practitioners, including testate and intestate forms and a full range of tax returns. Take your probate administration skills to the next level - register today!

  • Learn the information you need at the outset to manage probate efficiently.
  • Find out the documentation you need to appropriately sell or transfer assets.
  • Keep beneficiaries informed about the estate with a K-1 report.
  • Take charge of probate tax issues with improved drafting techniques for Form 706, 709, and more.
  • Make your document management system work for you with streamlined e-filing and more.
  • Get tips for properly terminating fiduciary responsibility over the estate.

Abbreviated Agenda

  1. Preparing for Estate Administration
  2. Managing the Estate's Assets
  3. Handling Creditors and Other Interested Parties
  4. Ensuring the Payment of Taxes
  5. Document Management Tips for Probate and Estate Filings
  6. Ethics for the Probate Paralegal

Washington State Paralegal Association
1402 Lake Tapps Parkway SE
Ste. F104/PMB133
Auburn, WA. 98092



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